Nicole Haas


Nicole Haas, RYT 200, CYI

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Yoga gives shape and meaning to my life. As a new mom more than a decade ago, I took my first classes while trying to find time for myself amidst the busy demands of parenting and work. I’ve been exploring this balancing act and learning to live with more ease, self-compassion, and joy ever since. Yoga has taught me effective ways to manage stress, broaden my perspective, improve the quality of my sleep, and be a loving parent.  

My classes include asana, meditative movement, breathing exercises, energy awareness, mudras, and deep rest. I offer pose variations and teach with props to support students of varying ages and abilities. I use a hands-off approach and rely instead on verbal cues and demonstration to guide students. Each class provides opportunities to reduce mental chatter, breathe with awareness, and build strength. The calming and organizing effects of yoga extend well beyond the time we spend on our mats. 

I trained at Desert Song Healing Arts Center in 2012 and have taught at Desert Song and in nonprofit and corporate settings ever since. Most recently, my focus has expanded to include offering yoga nidra for medical students at University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix and yoga for healthcare providers at Mountain Park Health.