A COVID Silver Lining: NEW Studio Software

This has been such a trying time-for all of us. But, then we thought, “It can’t be ALL bad, can it? Surely, there were some Silver Linings that we discovered along the way… So, we asked our staff if they noticed any Silver Linings during this “time of COVID”.

Here’s what our office manager, Barb Bosh said her Silver Lining has been:

Automation and simplification have been primary goals at Desert Song for several years. When I accepted the position of office manager, they became my goals.  We made some progress, but it was slow – too slow.

Then Covid-19 forced the closure of the studio. Automation needed to happen – immediately. And, it did. Unfortunately, it was not simple or sustainable. But, once we were up and running with Zoom yoga classes, we could focus on a process both simple and sustainable.

We are about to introduce our new studio software – Vagaro. We are excited to roll it out to the Desert Song Community this month. We think you’ll like it as much as we do.

Changes include the ability to sign up for multiple classes at one time, or purchase class packages similar to our class cards, just paperless. And, your confirmation for each class will include the Zoom link.   

Watch for announcements and instructions on what to expect and when. Please remember to check your spam or junk folder for these important emails.


Evolution from Mary Beth